Корнеева Елена Николаевна

Корнеева Елена Николаевна

Корнеева Елена Николаевна

Ученая степень
Кандидат экономических наук
Ученое звание
Институт инженерной и экологической безопасности
Электронная почта

Повышение квалификации

Год Наименование образовательной программы повышения квалификации Образовательное учреждение Город
2021 Электронная информационно-образовательная среда ФГБОУ ВО "Тольяттинский государственный университет" Тольятти


  • Гудкова С.А., Корнеева Е.Н., Крайнева Р.., Христофорова И.., Омарова А.. Ecosystems for higher education and society // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2023. №355. С. 183-193
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Alamanova C.., Orozonova A.., Parmanasova A.., Крайнева Р.К. Sustainable development of the agricultural sector of the economy // E3S Web of Conferences . 2023. №413. С. Article number 01030
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Aizhan O.., Нурова О.Г. Adoption of smart energy technologies in the context of sustainable development // E3S Web of Conferences. 2024. №531. С. Article number 02001
  • Глухова Л.В., Шерстобитова А.А., Корнеева Е.Н., Крайнева Р.К. VUCA-Managers Training for Smart Systems: Innovative and Organizational Approach // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2020. №188. С. 361-370
  • Скивко М.О., Корнеева Е.Н., Campos-Medina F.. Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development: Digital Skills, Creativity and Mentorship as the Prerequisites for Sustainability // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2023. №706. С. 766–775
  • Asmantaite, V.., Dapkus, R.., Karadzic, V.., Корнеева Е.Н., Ghauri, S.P. Sustainability assessment of National Parks // Transformations in Business & Economics. 2021. №1. С. 53-68
  • Гудкова С.А., Буренкова Д.Ю., Якушева Т.С., Трещина И.В., Глухова Л.В., Корнеева Е.Н. Modern Approach for Strategic Development of Smart Universities: Digitalization and Knowledge Export // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2021. №240. С. 327-337
  • Шерстобитова А.А., Глухова Л.В., Гудкова С.А., Корнеева Е.Н., Филиппова О.А., Любивая Т.Г. The Concept of Transition from Smart University to Smart Business in Digital Economic Environment // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2021. №240. С. 273-284
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Олиндер Н.В., Strielkowski W.. Consumer attitudes to the smart home technologies and the internet of things (IoT) // Energies. 2021. №23. С. Article Number 7913
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Skornichenko N.., Оруч Т.., Фрезе Т.Ю., Омарова А.. Shifting consumer perspectives on energy efficiency and sustainable development // E3S Web of Conferences. 2024. №531. С. Article number 02025
  • Streimikiene, D.., Корнеева Е.Н. Economic impacts of innovations in tourism marketing // Terra Economicus. 2020. №3. С. 182-193
  • Rausser G.., Strielkowski, W.., Корнеева Е.Н. Sustainable tourism in the digital age: institutional and economic implications // Terra Economicus. 2021. №4. С. 141–159
  • Strielkowski W.., Корнеева Е.Н., Горина Л.Н. Sustainable development and the digital transformation of educational systems // Intellectual Economics. 2022. №1. С. 134-150
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Шерстобитова А.А., Платицын А.Ю., Стриелковски В.. Strategic university management in the context of digitalization: the experience of the world’s leading universities // Интеграция образования. 2022. № 3 (108). С. 402-417.
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Стриелковски В.. The role of the information and communication technologies in the institutional and economic sustainability of the post-pandemic small and medium enterprises // Terra Economicus. 2023. №1. С. 80-93
  • Горина Л.Н., Корнеева Е.Н., Ковалева О.., Стриелковский В.. Energy-saving technologies and energy efficiency in the post-COVID era // Sustainable Development. 2024. №1. С. 300-318
  • Шерстобитова А.А., Корнеева Е.Н., Krayneva R.K., Bayetova M.T., Orozonova A.A. Digital Technologies for Quality Management in Integrated Production // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2023. №355. С. 283-292
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Никитина Н.., Ишкильдина С.. Управление проектами профессиональной подготовки кадров по требованиям международных стандартов Ворлдскиллс // Вестник Поволжского государственного университета сервиса. Серия: Экономика. 2020. № 3 (62). С. 19-26.
  • Корнеева Е.Н., S.N., Oruch T.. Small business and its place in promoting sustainable development // E3S Web of Conferences. 2021. №250. С. Article number 06007
  • Neshcheret A.., Skivko M.., Alamanova .C., Корнеева Е.Н., Фрезе А.В. Concepts of sustainable development in ecological and economic systems // E3S Web of Conferences. 2023. №460. С. Article number 03011
  • Скивко М.О., Корнеева Е.Н., Кораблева О.В. From sustainable habits to sustainable energy use: Social sustainability in the context of digitization // E3S Web of Conferences. 2021. №250. С. Article number 06002
  • Yekimov S.., Dosmuratova E.., Chernyaev A.., Meerson A.., Корнеева Е.Н., Krayneva R.., Nikitina N.., Taskinbaikyzy Z.. The importance of the forecast of the number of inhabitants of the Czech Republic as a basis for the effective development of the transport industry // Transportation Research Procedia. 2022. №63. С. 686-694
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Крайнева Р.К., Омарова А.. Sustainability of Economics and Education After the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on the Formation of Network Structures // Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. 2023. №7. С. 315-326
  • Гудкова С.А., Корнеева Е.Н., Krayneva, R.K., Azarova, S.P., Samuratova, A.U. Innovative Methods for Smart Education: Hybrid Approach // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2023. №355. С. 35-44
  • Стриелковски В.., Гулиева А.., Рзаева У.., Корнеева Е.Н., Шерстобитова А.А. Mathematical modeling of intellectual capital and business efficiency of small and medium enterprises // Mathematics. 2021. №18. С. Article number 2305
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Strielkowski W.., Krayneva R.., Шерстобитова А.А. Social Health and Psychological Safety of Students Involved in Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic // International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022. №21. С. 2-s2.0-85141574891
  • Скивко М.О., Корнеева Е.Н., Бисакаева Н.. City ports as a place for iconic architecture and the meeting point for sustainable ideas: the cases of Antwerp and Hamburg // E3S Web of Conferences. 2023. №458. С. Article number 07028
  • Корнеева Е.Н., Скивко М.О., Шматко А.Д. Responsible leadership on the way to sustainable development: environmental education and volunteering as practice fields // E3S Web of Conferences. 2023. №458. С. Article number 06021
  • Стриелковски В.., Корнеева Е.Н., Нещерет А.К., Сундеева Л.А. Sustainable Education at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Review Study Field Review // Integration of Education. 2024. №1. С. 22-39


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