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TSU participates in the largest in Russia's history programme for universities state support and development, called “Priority-2030". The programme is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Russia in the field of education, science and technology. The implementation period of "Priority-2030" is 10 years

To participate in "Priority-2030", the Togliatti State University has designed a development programme until 2030. It includes an updated mission and target model of the University.

Priority 2030. Leaders are made, not born.

TSU's Mission

Promoting progress and creating the knowledge economy through:

  • Turning scientific projects into innovations, and innovations into business;
  • Training professionals who are able to work in teams and projects, easily adapt to rapid changes, generate changes themselves and manage changes

TSU target model

Scientific and innovative entrepreneurial digital reference university.

Strategic projects

Projects of the TSU development programme for 2021-2030:

Objective is to enter the international English-speaking market ensuring positive economic effect, which will be based on the new training activities business model. This model will be implemented through fully digital educational products and services, digital tools of evidence-based pedagogics and modern pedagogical design, providing online training results at a level not lower than those achieved with traditional on-campus education.

Objective is to create an entrepreneurial university through building a new business process for innovations generating and commercializing, including training technological and social entrepreneurs and project teams with universal competencies, integration of business incubation and acceleration of startups into the educational process, ensuring constant flow of innovations and their commercialization system in the innovative ecosystem of the university and the region.

Objective is to create an effective system of innovations commercialization providing comprehensive assistance for passing the "valley of death" for projects of the TRL3 – TRL4 readiness level.

Objective is to increase sustainability of development and ensure economy transition from the industrial type to the economy of knowledge and impressions for the Samara and Togliatti agglomeration, by strengthening the leading role of TSU in key issues of the development of the Samara and Togliatti agglomeration including innovations generation, urban environment development and solving environmental problems.

Each of the projects is aimed at achieving one of the key characteristics of the University's target model.

Премия Правительства РФ в области качества
Лауреат 2019
Конкурс «Проектный Олимп»
I место 2019