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About us & Togliatti

Togliatti State University (TSU) is one of the leading universities in the country, a participant of the federal programme of strategic academic leadership "Priority-2030", a reference university of the Samara region.


TSU is the center of innovative and technological development of the region, ensuring the sustainable development of the Samara and Togliatti agglomeration which is the largest among the non-metropolitan ones. It is a city-forming university for Togliatti and a system-forming university for a number of industries, which has exceptional regional and sectoral significance for automotive, electric power, chemical, innovative and IT clusters.

The history of the university began in 1951, when a branch of the Kuibyshev Industrial Institute at Kuibyshev Hydrostroy was opened in Stavropol (now Togliatti). In 1966, in order to provide personnel for the Volga Automobile Plant under construction , it was reorganized into the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute with the Faculty of Automotive Engineering. In 1987, a branch of the Kuibyshev State Pedagogical Institute was established in Togliatti as the first university center of the humanitarian profile in the city. On May, 29th, 2001, Tolyatti State University was established on the basis of these two universities by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Togliatti State University, main building. Togliatti State University, main building.

Togliatti State University is an Innovative Entrepreneurial Digital University

  • Participant of the state support and development program for universities "Priority-2030";
  • Twice the winner of the Russian Federation Government award in the field of quality (2009, 2019), winner of the special award of the CIS in the field of quality (2011).
  • Co-founder of the interregional world-class scientific and educational center (SEC) "Engineering of the Future", developer of the digital platform for interaction of competence centers SEC.
  • Initiator of seven product and institutional consortia creation in 2020-2021: "New Technologies for Magnesium Alloys", "Medical Chemistry", "Hydrogen Energy", "Digital Universities" consortia, Innovations Consortium, Ecological and Industrial Consortium and "AVTOVAZ — TSU" consortium. They have combined 67 organizations, including 36 universities and 6 scientific partners (including three organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences), as well as 21 industrial and 4 infrastructural partners;
  • Twice the holder of the status of the Federal Innovation Platform from 2012 to 2017 (the Rosdistant project) and from 2018 to 2023 (the project "Digital transformation of University processes ("Smart University")");
  • The winner of Russia's largest professional project management competition of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation "Project Olympus" in "Project management in the system of higher education and science" nomination with the "Rosdistant" project "Development of online distance learning (2019).

TSU in the ratings

  • In the world ranking THE University Impact Rankings the TSU ranks 601-800 out of the 1115 strongest universities in the world (as of 2021 data).
  • In the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (as of 2021), TSU holds the 2,604th place among more than 31,000 universities in the world. In the same ranking, TSU is on the 48th place among Russian universities (a total of 1058 universities of the Russian Federation), on the 444th place among the BRICS universities (a total of 10,336 in the ranking).
  • In the Webometrics Transparent Ranking: Top Universities by Google Scholar Citations the Togliatti State University took 1,505th place among 4,234 universities in the world (including 93 Russian ones) with a result of 57,276 citations of TSU scientists (as of 2021 data).
  • In the QS EECA University Rankigs rating, TSU occupies a position in the 351–400 group among the universities of 30 countries.

TSU today

  • 10 institutes, providing training in a wide range of technical, natural science, humanitarian, economic and legal areas:

TSU implements an educational model based on real project activities of students and advanced information technologies.

To ensure project-based training at a high level,''The Higher School of Engineering'' was created at the university (it combined the Center for Mechanical Engineering, the IT Student center, the Center for Robotics and the ''Formula Machine'' center), the Center for Urban Studies and Strategic Development of territories, the Center for Humanitarian Technologies and Media Communications, the Center for Medical Chemistry, the Center for Mediation and Law, the Mosaic Center.

Since 2010, TSU has implemented four government mega-grants with a total funding of about 600 million roubles from the Federal and Regional budgets.

These have been three projects aimed at creating modern laboratories with the invitation of leading scientists: "Strength Physics and Intelligent diagnostic systems", "Nanocatalysts and functional nanomaterials" and "Metallic materials with a spatial-gradient structure", as well as a project to create an Innovation and Technology Center. The successful implementation of three mega-grants under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 220 made it possible to create a Research Institute of Advanced Technologies within the university structure, combining in it the laboratories of leading scientists and other research units of TSU. At present, research in the field of materials science and nanotechnologies is carried out at a modern level at the Research Institute of Advanced Technologies, including in cooperation with foreign partners

Partners of the University

TSU works in the interests of key enterprises of the Samara region and Russia.

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
Center for Innovative Development and Cluster Initiatives
Galaxy Information Technology
University Consortium of Big Data Researchers

Togliatti City

Togliatti is one of the largest cities in Russia, with the population of about 700,000 people. The average age of residents is 39.8 years old.

The city is situated on the bank of the Russia's greatest river Volga, surrounded by the Zhiguli Mountains. There are the Samarskaya Luka National Park and the Zhiguli Nature Reserve nearby the city. The climate is temperate continental with cold winters and hotsummers.

Tolyatti from a bird's eye view Tolyatti from a bird's eye view


The history of the city began in 1737. It was founded by the Russian statesman, historian, geographer and economist Vasily Tatischev as a fortress city to protect Russian lands from nomads and for the resettlement of baptized Kalmyks. In the XIXth - early XXth century Stavropol (the name of Tolyatti before 1964) was known as a climatic resort and koumys health resort. In 1953-1955, the city was experiencing a "rebirth" in connection with the construction of a Hydroelectric Power Station. In 1966, the Volga Automobile Plant construction began in Togliatti and construction of a new residential area was carried out at the same time, which stimulated the rapid growth of the city's economy. This period is called the "third birth" of Togliatti.

Togliatti Today

Today Togliatti is the second largest city in the Samara region, one of the cores of the dual-core Samara andTogliatti agglomeration (the third largest after Moscow and St. Petersburg).


The economy of Togliatti is based on the automotive and chemical industries. The largest automobile plant in Russia, AVTOVAZ, being a subsidiary of Renault Group, manufacturers of automotive components, chemical plants ''Tolyattikauchuk'', ''Kuibyshevazot'', ''Tolyattiazot'', as well as enterprises of the electric power complex, including Europe's largest Zhigulevskaya HPS, are located here.

Federal-scale projects

Federal-scale projects are also being implemented in the city, such as "Togliatti" special economic zone of the industrial and production type, the "Zhiguli Valley" technopark in the field of high technologies and the Territory of advanced socio-economic development "Togliatti".

International city

Togliatti is an international city, and representatives of all nationalities and cultures are welcomed here. The developed infrastructure ensures a high quality of life, and the cost of living here is much lower than in large cities and the capital. Built as the first of the most daring projects of its time, Togliatti remains dynamic, developing and comfortable for life, work and study.

Премия Правительства РФ в области качества
Лауреат 2019
Конкурс «Проектный Олимп»
I место 2019