Центр цифровых компетенций

Директор, директор
Захарова Юлия Владимировна
445020, Самарская область, г. Тольятти, ул. Белорусская, д. 14, каб. Г-311Электронная почта
Направления подготовки / специальности
Программы бакалавриата
Прикладная информатика
- Software Engineering (Заочная)
- Algorithms and Programming in Python
- Basic Military Training
- Basics of Computer Systems
- Basics of Discrete Mathematics and Logic
- Basics of HTML and CSS Web Design
- Basics of Programming
- Basics of Software Modeling and Design
- Business Process Automation
- Business. Business Planning
- Business. Innovation Marketing and Attracting Investors
- Business. Intellectual Assets Commercialization
- Business. Launching a Startup Project
- Business. Sales and Promotion Techniques
- Business. Startup Project Management
- Computational Mathematics
- Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
- Computer Networks
- Data Analysis
- Databases and Data Management
- Digital Culture
- Distributed Systems
- ERP Programming
- Economics
- Foreign Language
- Foundations of Russian Statehood
- Front-End Development
- Functional Programming
- Health and Safety
- History of Russia
- History of Russian Religions
- Information Science Problem Solving Techniques
- Information System Architecture and Integration Methods
- Information Systems and Technologies
- Intellectual Property Laws
- Introduction to Software Engineering
- Legal Awareness
- Mathematical Analysis
- Mathematical Logic, Algebra, and Number Theory
- Mobile Application Development
- Network Configuration Management
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Personal effectiveness
- Philosophy
- Physical Education and Sports
- Practicum in C# Programming
- Practicum in Java Programming
- Probability Theory
- Programming for Data Analysis and AI Projects
- Quality Assurance and Code Review
- Russian Language and Culture of Speech
- Secure Software Development
- Software Engineering Management
- Software Project Management
- Software Requirements Management
- Software Testing
- System Programming
- Unity Game Development
- Unix and Linux Operating Systems
- Vocational Foreign Language
- Web Application Development
Software Engineering